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  • МЕНЮ:


    The main document that regulates fire protection of building structures in Ukraine is the Fire Protection Rules, approved by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine No.1064 of December 26, 2018 and registered with the Ministry of Justice on March 14, 2019 under No. 259/33230. The Fire Protection Rules establish the basic requirements for the performance of fire protection works, inspection of conformity of fire protection, as well as requirements for ensuring the serviceability of the fire protection covering.

    For the correct fire protection design engineering for a construction facility, it is necessary to know the requirements for fire resistance of building structures, which are provided in the relevant regulations for buildings of different functional purposes.

    The main regulatory documents on fire safety are DBN B.1.1-7: 2016 "Fire Safety of Construction Projects". General requirements, which establishes fire and technical classification of building materials, structures, fire barriers, stairs and stairwells, buildings and structures, premises, as well as general requirements for the safety of people in the case of fire, fire safety of structural and spatial layout solutions, equipment of buildings, premises with engineering and technical means of fire protection. The requirements of this DBN are supplemented and clarified by the fire safety requirements set out in other regulatory document approved or agreed in the established manner, and may not be reduced by the fire safety requirements set forth in these regulatory documents.

    Regulatory documents, or rather sections thereof on fire safety, which set out the requirements for fire resistance of building structures, and thus their possible fire protection, include state building codes (DBN) for buildings of various functional purposes: residential and public buildings, high-rise buildings and trade enterprises and many others.

    Also, you should not forget about the alternative branch of design in Ukraine — Eurocodes. DSTU-N B EN 1993-1-2: "2010 Eurocode 3. Design of steel structures. General provisions. Calculation of structures for fire resistance" gives recommendations for calculation of fire resistance of both fire-resistant and non-fire-resistant steel structures, as well as the calculation of critical temperatures.

    List of regulatory documents on fire protection and fire safety of construction facilities:

    Regulatory documents:

    - Fire Protection Rules;

    - DBN B.1.1-7: 2016 "Fire safety of construction projects. General requirements"

    - Guide for the practical application of DBN B.1.1-7: 2016 "Fire safety of construction projects. General requirements"

    - DBN B.1.2-7-2008 "Basic requirements for buildings and structures. Fire safety"

    - DSTU-N B EN 1993-1-2: 2010 "Eurocode 3. Design of steel structures. General provisions. Calculation of structures for fire resistance"

    - Amendment No. 1 to DSTU-N B EN 1993-1-2: 2010

    - DBN B.2.2-9: 2018 Public buildings and structures. Basic provisions

    - DBN B.2.2-41: 2019 High-rise buildings. Basic provisions

    - DBN B.2.3-15: 2007 Parking lots and garages for cars

    - Amendment No.1 to DBN B.2.3-15:2007

    - Amendment No.2 to DBN B.2.3-15:2007

    - DBN B.2.2-12: 2019 "Layout and development of territories"

    - DBN B.2.2-28: 2010 "Buildings and structures. Administrative and household buildings"

    - DBN Warehouse buildings

    - SNiP 2.09.02-85 * "Industrial buildings"

    - Amendment No. 1 to SNiP 2.09.02-85 *

    - DBN B.2.2-23: 2009 Trade enterprises.

    - Amendment No. to DBN B.2.2-23:2009